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Instagram Marketing Strategy Tips

It’s hard to believe that Instagram has been around for a decade! At this point, being present on the platform has proven to be very worthwhile for brands, especially if one of their goals is to increase social media engagement. Instagram generates four times more interactions than Facebook!

How to Build Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn

If you’re in sales or business development, optimizing your personal brand is a necessity because so much of the sales cycle takes place online these days. But regardless of whether you’re in sales or not, optimizing your personal brand makes good sense in a world where people increasingly distrust corporations and are more interested in getting to know the individuals behind the brand.

Building Your Personal Brand

When was the last time you got excited about meeting a really interesting person through business and visited their LinkedIn profile to find they have seven connections and no portrait image?

Short-Form Video Basics for Brands

You don’t have to be a marketer to know that video is the current king of content. According to a 2020 study by Wyzowl, people share videos at twice the rate than any other form of content. This same study found that 84% of people were convinced to buy a product or service based on a branded video.

Podcast Marketing

Did you know that over 50% of all consumers above the age of 12 listen to podcasts? Maybe you're a listener yourself! But why exactly has this content format become so popular? 

Why Your Email List is Your Greatest Asset

Did you know that email delivers an astounding 3,800% ROI, making it one of the most effective marketing tools? Despite the emphasis modern marketers put on other digital tools, such as social media platforms, email has proven that it will stand the test of time. In fact, 78% of marketers saw an increase in email engagement in 2019, and that was before the overall use of digital communication channels increased during the coronavirus pandemic.

Why Send Marketing Emails

Despite the rumors you may have heard, email marketing isn't dead. How do we know? Because it continues to prove its ability to deliver measurable results. According to Forbes, email marketing delivers the highest ROI of all marketing channels – $42 back for every dollar you spend.

5 Tips for Writing Website Copy That Converts

Have you ever been stuck in a one-sided conversation with someone who won’t stop talking about themselves? We’re willing to bet you have. Isn’t it the worst?

Content's role in the marketing funnel

Did you know that only 3% of buyers are active buyers? Active buyers are ready to purchase and are searching for the company that can best meet their needs. 

That means that 97% of buyers are passive buyers. They're in the early stages of the buyer's journey and still investigating solutions to their problems. That's why it is crucial that companies produce helpful content that positions them a resource for prospective buyers in this early stage, and that guides buyers through the subsequent stages of the buyer's journey. 

How to Combat Zoom Fatigue

Do you ever hang up a Zoom call and think, “Wow, I’m exhausted?” That can be a hard thought to come to terms with. Many of us used to live much more active lifestyles than we do now, so why is a conversation over video chat draining our energy? Believe it or not, Zoom fatigue is a real thing with actual scientific causes!